Many villages are far outside any civilisation. Due to the long distance, the villagers have little social exchange with others and therefore do not know alternative ways of thinking. They still follow old traditions and live as they did 500 years ago.
Sans droits, sans éducation Les femmes n’ont aucun droit. Elles n’ont pas le droit de posséder leurs propres biens et doivent suivre les instructions des hommes.
Mutilations génitales féminines Bien que la loi l’interdise, les jeunes filles sont toujours excisées. On leur coupe le clitoris avec des couteaux mal aiguisés, souvent rouillés, sans anesthésie. Après l’excision, elles sont recousues.
Mariages d’enfants et mariages forcés Les filles sont promises par leurs parents à un homme souvent plus âgé qu’elles pendant leur enfance, car seuls ces hommes sont en mesure de payer le prix de la mariée. Le prix de sa future épouse se négocie en vaches et en chèvres et assure souvent la subsistance de la “famille de la mariée”.
Theory vs. practice The government is trying to enforce the ban on circumcision as well as compulsory school attendance. But due to the vastness of the country, the non-existent registration registers and the adherence to traditions, changes are extremely difficult.
Side by side for a self-determined life
Time and again, the government asks us for support. In order to reach people in remote regions, Steven travels to them and educates them about various issues:
– Women’s rights – Gender equality – Child and forced marriages – Genital mutilation – The importance of education, also for girls, and much more.
Hygiene articles for girls and women
During their menstruation, the young women do not dare to leave the house. They miss the already scarce school lessons out of shame. The distribution of sanitary pads helps the young women a lot. They are washable and reusable. For 1 euro per pad, they can move freely for 3 years even during their menstruation.
Paulo - with all his heart
Paulo was born in the village of Loolera. His job was to take care of the animals. For days he wandered around alone with the herds, always looking for food for the cows. He had nothing to eat himself. He drank the milk and ate what he found on the way in the barren nature.
Again and again he begged his father to let him go to school, but to no avail. This led to him having suicidal thoughts. He would rather jump into a deep hole than continue living like this.
Today, some 3 years later, he speaks and encourages others. Of his own free will, the words flow from his heart: All are equal…. Send the girls to school too…. And he even dares to speak out what no one else speaks about publicly: Circumcision! He is very happy about this chance. It is a chance for the people who listen to him – a boy! And it is his chance for personal development. Thus, he is already gaining important experience, because eventually he wants to become President of Tanzania.
Environmental protection
Litter is simply thrown away, no matter where. For example, you see empty plastic bottles at the side of the road that no one has cleaned up yet. Steven has started a litter collection campaign. Together they talk about this problem and look for solutions in the field of “up-cycling”.
Animal protection
Dogs are often considered enemies in Tanzania. Here, too, we educate them and show them the “merits” and “love” of these and other animals.